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- 2013
- 7th Molecular Quantum Mechanics, Lugano, Szwajcaria, plakat: Spin-Component-Scaled OEP method applied to atomic and molecular systems.
- Current Trends in Theoretical Chemistry VI, Kraków, Polska referat: Spin Component Scaled OEP Method
- 15th International Density Functional Theory Conference, Durham, Anglia, plakat: Optimized Effective Potential Method Based On The Spin Component Energy Partitioning
- Central European Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry 2013,Znojmo, Czechy, plakat: Spin Component Scaled Orbital Dependent Correlation Functionals.
- 2012
- Molecular Electronic Structure at Troy, Canakkale, Turcja, plakat: Density Dependent Exchange Correlation Potentials Derived Form Highly Accurate “ab initio” Calculations.
- Central European Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry, Mariapfarr, Austria, plakat: How we can obtain density dependent exchange and correlation potentials from electron densities?
- 52nd Sanibel Symposium, St. Simon Island, Gorgia, USA, plakat: Density and system dependet exchange correlation potentials for neon in density functional theory.
- 2011
- Central European Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry, Toruń, Polska, plakat: Density and system dependent exchange-correlation potentials in density functional theory.
- 14th International Density Functional Theory Conference, Ateny, Grecja, plakat: New density dependent exchange-correlation potentials in density functional theory.
- HITY 2011 – Zastosowanie teorii w badaniach molekularnych, Kraków, Polska, referat: Nowe zależne od gęstości potencjały wymienno-korelacyjne w teorii funkcjonałów gęstości.
- V Kopernikańskie Seminarium Doktoranckie, Toruń, Polska, referat: Otrzymywanie nowych zależnych od gęstości potencjałów wymienno-korelacyjnch w teorii funkcjonałów gęstości.
- 2010
- IV Kopernikańskie Seminarium Doktoranckie, Toruń, Polska, referat: Porównanie kilku wariantów metody OEP zastosowanej do układów atomowych i molekularnych.
- High-level quantum chemistry meets in Łódź, Polska, plakat: Coverage of the correlation effects by DFT functionals.
- Central European Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry , Novy Smokovec, Słowacja, plakat: Comparison of the several correlated OEP methods with short-range correction component.
- 2009
- Central European Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry , Dobogoko, Węgry, plakat: Comparison of correlated OEP methods in KS-DFT.