Izolacja retrowirusa limfotropowego T od pacjenta z ryzykiem zespołu nabytego niedoboru odporności (AIDS). A retrovirus belonging to the household of not too long ago found human T-cell leukemia viruses (HTLV), however clearly distinct from every earlier isolate, has been remoted from a Caucasian affected person with indicators and signs that always precede the acquired immune deficiency… Continue reading
Tag: real-time dashboards
Wewnątrznowotworowe limfocyty T, nawrót i przeżycie
Synapsa immunologiczna: molekularna maszyna kontrolująca aktywację limfocytów T. The specialised junction between a T lymphocyte and an antigen-presenting cell, the immunological synapse, consists of a central cluster of T cell receptors surrounded by a hoop of adhesion molecules. Immunological synapse formation is now proven to be an lively and dynamic mechanism that permits T cells to tell apart potential antigenic ligands. Initially,… Continue reading